University Partnership Offers Opportunity For Growth

By: Joe Wright on 26th Feb 2016 - 08:43 AM     Share on:


A new partnership with Sheffield Hallam University is set to boost acasta’s commitment to learning and development. The Enhanced Mentored Internship (EMI) will give acasta access to specialist support, provided by the university’s knowledgeable and experienced team. The timing of this partnership could hardly be better, as acasta seek to build on their existing success and develop a number of exciting new projects.

As part of the partnership, graduate Joe Wright will begin working for Acasta Energy Services Limited as EMI Associate and Marketing Manager. Joe has previous experience of SME marketing and will oversee the development of acasta’s key marketing initiatives. Joe offered his thoughts on the scheme; 

“The EMI offers benefits for everybody concerned. For acasta, there is the prospect of further developing their marketing strategy. For me personally, this is a fantastic opportunity to support an ambitious regional SME in fulfilling their market potential.”

Acasta are looking forward to working closely with the university to develop innovative new projects. acasta's Managing Director David Anthony Eastlake also said of the partnership; "At Acasta Energy Services Limited, we have a culture of continuous improvement which drives us to be innovative in our approach. Working alongside world class institutions such as Sheffield Hallam University is an integral part of our plan for innovation and growth."